Micro-code Generator

The microcode generator for my 8-bit CPU is described in detail here:

ROM: M27C4002

Input Order {From MSB(A17) to LSB(A0)}:

  • Instruction(Bit 7 –> A17 … Bit 0 –> A10)
  • II(Interrupt inhibit flag) –> A9
  • IR(Interrupt request flag) –> A8
  • Step counter (Bit _3 –> A7 … Bit _0 –> A4)
  • Zero(Z) flag –> A3
  • Overflow(O/V) flag –> A2
  • Negative(N) flag –> A1
  • Carry(C) flag –> A0

 _______________ _______________ _______________
|                      | |                     | |                      |
|     ROM 0      | |     ROM 1     | |     ROM 0      |
|                      | |                     | |                      |
 ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
      15 –> 0          31 –> 16          47 –> 32

Constants and Control lines initialization

from copy import deepcopy
import array
import traceback

INTPUT_WORD_SIZE = 18 # From 0 to 17 --> 18-bit word

# ROM 0
_CLKW  = 1 <<  15  #  Clock speed select
_DW    = 1 <<  14  #  D Register(General purpose register 4) Write
_BW    = 1 <<  13  #  B Register(General purpose register 2) Write
H_cin  = 1 <<  12  #  Shift register carry in 
_SdE   = 1 <<  11  #  Segmented display enable
_HC    = 1 <<  10  #  Shift register clear/reset
ZS     = 1 <<  9   #  ALU select(0: 382 ALU; 1: 194-shift register)
Z2     = 1 <<  8   #  ALU control_2
Z1     = 1 <<  7   #  ALU control_1
_FW    = 1 <<  6   #  Flag register write/in
IR_in  = 1 <<  5   #  Instruction register in
TI     = 1 <<  4   #  Toggle interrupt(Sets interrupt to the opposite of its current state)
_OS    = 1 <<  3   #  OLED select(D/C# Data by default, command when asserted)
OR     = 1 <<  2   #  OLED data(Read/_Write Write by default, and read when asserted)
_OE     = 1 <<  1  #  OLED enable(Read/write: read when pulled high; write by default)
_OC    = 1         #  OLED clear

# ROM 1
EX     = 1 <<  31 #  Extra (Extra/Unused control line)
SdM    = 1 <<  30 #  Segmented display mode(Signed/_Unsigned)
Z0     = 1 <<  29 #  ALU control_0
_ScR   = 1 <<  28 #  Step counter reset to 0
BRlW   = 1 <<  27 #  Transfer Register lower byte write
_PChE  = 1 <<  26 #  Program counter upper byte enable
_PClE  = 1 <<  25 #  Program counter lower byte enable
_EE    = 1 <<  24 #  E Register(General purpose register 5) enable  
EW     = 1 <<  23 #  E Register(General purpose register 5) Write
Ex2    = 1 <<  22 #  Extra 2 (Extra/Unused control line 2)
_PSE   = 1 <<  21 #  Port selector enable
_PSW   = 1 <<  20 #  Port selector write
HLT    = 1 <<  19 #  Clock halt/stop
SPW    = 1 <<  18 #  Stack pointer load
SPD    = 1 <<  17 #  Stack pointer count direction(_up/down)
_SPC   = 1 <<  16 #  Stack pointer count enable

# ROM 2
_SPE   = 1 <<  47 #  Stack pointer word(16-bits) enable
BRhW   = 1 <<  46 #  Transfer Register upper byte write
_MW    = 1 <<  45 #  Memory write
ZW     = 1 <<  44 #  Accumulator write
_BRE   = 1 <<  43 #  Transfer Register word(16-bits) enable
_PCE   = 1 <<  42 #  Program counter word(16-bits) enable
PCC    = 1 <<  41 #  Program counter count up
_PCW   = 1 <<  40 #  Program counter write/in (Jump)
_PS    = 1 <<  39 #  Port select in
# 74HCT238 3-to-8 non inverting decoder
WR_2   = 1 <<  38 #  Write decoder A2
WR_1   = 1 <<  37 #  Write decoder A1
WR_0   = 1 <<  36 #  Write decoder A0
# 74HCT154 4-to-16 inverting decoder
RD_3   = 1 <<  35 #  Read decoder A3
RD_2   = 1 <<  34 #  Read decoder A2
RD_1   = 1 <<  33 #  Read decoder A1
RD_0   = 1 <<  32 #  Read decoder A0

The decoders are arranged so that every line they control is considered active high. For example the 74HCT154 is an inverting decoder; and all its output lines are connected to active-low inputs; making its outputs controllable as active high outputs.

## 74HCT238
SdW = WR_2 | WR_1 | WR_0 #  Segmented display write
IW  = WR_2 | WR_1        #  I Register(Interrupt Register) write
SdT = WR_2 |        WR_0 #  Segmented display's temporary register(lower byte) write
# C Register(General purpose register 3) write (Decoder's output goes through 
# an inverter first)
CW  =        WR_1 | WR_0 
# A Register(General purpose register 1) write (Decoder's output goes through 
# an inverter first)
AW  =        WR_1        

## 74HCT154
ZE    = RD_3 | RD_2 | RD_1 | RD_0 #  Accumulator enable
DE    = RD_3 | RD_2 | RD_1        #  D Register(General purpose register 4) enable 
CE    = RD_3 | RD_2 |        RD_0 #  C Register(General purpose register 3) enable 
AE    = RD_3 | RD_2               #  A Register(General purpose register 1) enable 
BE    = RD_3 |        RD_1 | RD_0 #  B Register(General purpose register 2) enable 
FE    = RD_3 |        RD_1        #  Flags Register enable 
BRhE  = RD_3 |               RD_0 #  Transfer Register Upper byte Enable
BRlE  = RD_3                      #  Transfer Register Lower byte Enable
SPhE  =        RD_2 | RD_1 | RD_0 #  Stack Pointer Upper byte Enable 
SPlE  =        RD_2 | RD_1        #  Stack Pointer lower byte Enable
IE    =        RD_2 |        RD_0 #  I Register(Interrupt register) enable 
ME    =        RD_2               #  Memory enable to 8-bit bus 

All active low lines are recorded and normalized in al_norm() .

active_low_lines = _CLKW | _DW | _BW | _HC  | _FW | _OE | _OS | _OC | _ScR | \
_PChE | _PClE | _EE | _PSE | _PSW | _SPC | _SPE | _MW | \
_BRE | _PCE | _PCW | _PS

Control words for each ALU function.

ALU_ZERO           =                0
ALU_ACC_minus_BUS  =                Z0
ALU_BUS_minus_ACC  =           Z1
ALU_ADD            =           Z1 | Z0
ALU_XOR            =      Z2       
ALU_OR             =      Z2 |      Z0
ALU_AND            =      Z2 | Z1
ALU_FF             =      Z2 | Z1 | Z0
SHIFT_REG          = ZS 
SHIFT_REG_SL       = ZS |           Z0    
SHIFT_REG_SR       = ZS |      Z1

# Writes bus content in the shift register.
ALU_MIRROR_BUS     =    FLG_MIRROR_BUS   = ZS |      Z1 | Z0 

FLG_CLC            = ZS | Z2
FLG_STC            = ZS | Z2  | Z0

II_Flag  = 0b100000 # Interrupt Inhibit Flag(Keep interrupt from taking effect)
IRQ_Flag =  0b10000 # Interrupt Request Flag(Pending interrupt)
Z_Flag   =   0b1000
O_Flag   =    0b100
N_Flag   =     0b10
C_Flag   =      0b1

Each instruction is 8-bit(1-byte) long, and can make up to 16 steps. The EPROMs are input as follows:

A_17  A_16  A_15  A_14  A_13  A_12  A_11  A_10  A_9  A_8     A_7  A_6  A_5  A_4  A_3  A_2  A_1  A_0
|     |     |     |     |     |     |     |      |    |       |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
|                                         |      |    |       |              |    Z    O    N    C
|                                         |      | Pending    |              |    
|-----------------------------------------|      | Interrupt  |--------------|    
These are the instruction bits(2^8 = up to       |            These are the         
256 different instructions)                   Interrupt       steps bits(2^4             
                                              Inhibit         = 16 steps max)      
def build_address(instruction=0b0, step=0b0, II=0b0, IR=0b0, Z=0b0, O=0b0, N=0b0, C=0b0):
   Organizes bit position of every element in the microcode input.
   If an element of the input word is not input it will default to 0.
   return instruction << 10 | step << 6 | II << 5 | IR << 4 | Z << 3 | O << 2 | N << 1 | C

def al_norm(instruction):
    al_norm(Active_low normalization):
    Ensures that active low lines stay high and active high lines stay low
    when not needed in a microcode by "XORing" the current control word with the bits
    position of all active-low control lines. 
    return microcode ^ active_low_lines

def trim_word(EPROM_number, microcode):
  Trims a part of the microcode for it's corresponding EPROM.
  Refer to docstring to see how EPROMS are layed out.
  shifted_microcode = microcode >> (16*EPROM_number)
  mask = 0xFFFF # 16 1s
  return shifted_microcode & mask # AND the 16 output bits of the selected EPROM 

adr keeps track of the current opcode’s address; and is used as a global variable throughout the rest of the code to organize where each instruction should be written within the ROM.

adr = 0

FETCH = [_PCE | ME | IR_in | PCC] # Fetch micro code 

def full_microcode(t_1 = 0, t_2 = 0, t_3 = 0, t_4 = 0, t_5 = 0, t_6 = 0,
                    t_7 = 0, t_8 = 0, t_9 = 0, t_10 = 0, t_11 = 0,
                      t_12 = 0, t_13 = 0, t_14 = 0, t_15 = 0):
    Creates full microcode for a single instruction and ends it by resetting the step counter.
    Note that, the maximum number of micro steps allowed when using this function is 15, as 
    t_0 is automatically prepended with the fetch cycle. 
    global adr

    steps = [t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, 
             t_9, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13, t_14, t_15]
    for i, step in enumerate(steps):
        # Replaces first 0/empty(if any) step with the reset control word
        # and terminates the microcode sequence

        if step == 0:
            steps[i] = _ScR

    # The FETCH operation is prepended to the "steps" array to ensure that the instruction 
    # fetch phase is included as the first step of any instruction execution.
    steps = FETCH + steps
    adr += 1

    return steps

instructions_without_flags stores all micro-operations in their unconditional form (ie: the forms that do not depend on any flag) and is structured as:

{adress : (micro_operations, name)}

address: The instruction’s address(Within 0 to 255) .

micro_operations: A list containing all micro operations for the instruction.

name: The instruction’s mnemonic.

instructions_without_flags = dict()

# Keeps track of microcode addresses that can be reused. 
recycling_address = []

def add_microcode(micro_operations, name):
    Updates the instructions_without_flags dictionary 
    with the current address as the key, and (micro_operations, name) as the value.
    instructions_without_flags[adr] = micro_operations, name

ABCD = ['A' ,'B' ,'C' ,'D']

# All registers' write lines
write_to_reg = {'A': AW, 
                'B': _BW, 
                'E': EW,
                'I': IW}

# All registers enable lines
enable_reg = {'A': AE, 
              'B': BE, 
              'C': CE, 
              'D': DE,
              'E': _EE,
              'I': IE}

$ Register
# Number
@ Address
[ ] Memory location
[@] Address at a memory location
[#] Number at a memory location


The reset vector essentially soft-resets the CPU by writing zero in most registers and jumping to OS/Bootloader ROM address 0(0xC000).

INACTIVE = al_norm(active_low_lines)
instructions_without_flags[adr] =([ ALU_ZERO | ZW | _OC,                                    
                                    ALU_ZERO | ZW | _OC,                                
                                    ZE | AW  | BRlW | BRhW | IR_in | _OC,                    
                                    ZE | CW  | _BRE | SPW  | FLG_MIRROR_BUS 
                                    | _FW | _OC,     
                                    ZE | SdT | _SPC | SPD,                             
                                    ZE | SdW | _BW | _DW | EW | SHIFT_REG_SR 
                                    | H_cin,  
                                    SHIFT_REG | ZW,                                    
                                    ZE | SHIFT_REG_SR | H_cin,                         
                                    SHIFT_REG | ZW,                                    
                                    ZE | BRhW,                                         
                                    _BRE | _PCW,                                       
                                    INACTIVE, INACTIVE, INACTIVE,                      
                                    _PCE | ME | IR_in],                                

### Set carry ### 
add_microcode(full_microcode(FLG_STC | _FW), f'STC')

## Reset/Clear carry ### 
add_microcode(full_microcode(FLG_CLC | _FW), f'CLC')

for dest in ABCD:
    add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | write_to_reg[dest] | PCC), 
                                 f'MOV ${dest}, #') 
    add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                 SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                _PCE | ME | ALU_ADD | ZW | _FW,  
                                write_to_reg[dest] | ZE | PCC),
                                f'ADD ${dest}, #') 
    add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                 SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                 _PCE | ME | ALU_ACC_minus_BUS | ZW | _FW,
                                 write_to_reg[dest] | ZE | PCC), 
                                 f'SUB ${dest}, #')
    add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                 SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                 _PCE | ME | ALU_AND | ZW | _FW,  
                                 write_to_reg[dest] | ZE | PCC), 
                                 f'AND ${dest}, #')
    add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                 SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                 _PCE | ME | ALU_OR | ZW | _FW,  
                                 write_to_reg[dest] | ZE | PCC), 
                                 f'OR ${dest}, #')
    add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                 SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                 _PCE | ME | ALU_XOR | ZW | _FW,  
                                 write_to_reg[dest] | ZE | PCC), 
                                 f'XOR ${dest}, #')
    add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                 SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                 _PCE | ME | ALU_ACC_minus_BUS | _FW | PCC), 
                                 f'CMP ${dest}, #')

The partial GPR E has most, but not all of the instructions the rest of the GPRs have.

add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | write_to_reg[dest] | PCC),
                             f'MOV $E, #')

add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg['E'] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                             SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                             _PCE | ME | ALU_ADD | ZW | _FW,  
                             write_to_reg['E'] | ZE | PCC),
                             f'ADD $E, #') 

add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg['E'] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                             SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                             _PCE | ME | ALU_ACC_minus_BUS | ZW | _FW,
                             write_to_reg['E'] | ZE | PCC), 
                             f'SUB $E, #')

add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg['E'] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                             SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                             _PCE | ME | ALU_ACC_minus_BUS | _FW | PCC), 
                             f'CMP $E, #') 


for reg in ABCD:
    add_microcode(full_microcode(write_to_reg[reg] | enable_reg['E']), 
                                 f'MOV ${reg}, $E')   
    add_microcode(full_microcode(write_to_reg['E'] | enable_reg[reg]), 
                                 f'MOV $E, ${reg}')
    add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg['E'] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                 SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                 enable_reg[reg] | ALU_ACC_minus_BUS | _FW), 
                                 f'CMP $E, {reg}')


add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | _CLKW, PCC), # Select I/O from RAM content.
                            f'MOV $CLK, #') 

add_microcode(full_microcode(_CLKW | enable_reg['E']), 
                                 f'MOV $CLK, $E')

for dest in ABCD:
    for src in ABCD:
        if dest == src:
            #recycling_address.append(adr +1) # Recycle address for later use

        add_microcode(full_microcode(write_to_reg[dest] | enable_reg[src]), 
                                    f'MOV ${dest}, ${src}')

        add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                     SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                     enable_reg[src] | ALU_ADD |_FW | ZW,  
                                     write_to_reg[dest] | ZE), 
                                    f'ADD ${dest}, ${src}')
        add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                     SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                     enable_reg[src] | ALU_ACC_minus_BUS | _FW | ZW,  
                                     write_to_reg[dest] | ZE), 
                                    f'SUB ${dest}, ${src}')
        add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                     SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                     enable_reg[src] | ALU_AND |_FW | ZW,  
                                     write_to_reg[dest] | ZE), 
                                    f'AND ${dest}, ${src}')
        add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                     SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                     enable_reg[src] | ALU_OR |_FW | ZW,  
                                     write_to_reg[dest] | ZE), 
                                    f'OR ${dest}, ${src}')
        add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                     SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                     enable_reg[src] | ALU_XOR |_FW | ZW,  
                                     write_to_reg[dest] | ZE), 
                                    f'XOR ${dest}, ${src}')      
        add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                     SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                     enable_reg[src] | ALU_ACC_minus_BUS |_FW), 
                                    f'CMP ${dest}, ${src}')

for dest in ABCD:
        add_microcode(full_microcode( CE | BRlW,
                                      DE | BRhW,
                                     _BRE | ME | write_to_reg[dest]), 
                                    f'MOV ${dest}, [$CD]')
        # Write
        add_microcode(full_microcode( CE | BRlW,
                                      DE | BRhW,
                                     _BRE | _MW | enable_reg[dest]), 
                                    f'MOV [$CD], ${dest}')

        add_microcode(full_microcode(CE | BRlW,
                                     DE | BRhW,
                                     enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                     SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                     _BRE | ME | ALU_ADD | ZW | _FW,
                                     write_to_reg[dest] | ZE ),
                                    f'ADD ${dest}, [$CD]')
        add_microcode(full_microcode(CE | BRlW,
                                     DE | BRhW,
                                     enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                     SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                     _BRE | ME | ALU_ACC_minus_BUS | ZW | _FW,
                                     write_to_reg[dest] | ZE ),
                                    f'SUB ${dest}, [$CD]')
        add_microcode(full_microcode(CE | BRlW,
                                     DE | BRhW,
                                     enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                     SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                     _BRE | ME | ALU_AND | ZW | _FW,
                                     write_to_reg[dest] | ZE ),
                                    f'AND ${dest}, [$CD]')
        add_microcode(full_microcode(CE | BRlW,
                                     DE | BRhW,
                                     enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                     SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                     _BRE | ME | ALU_OR | ZW | _FW,
                                     write_to_reg[dest] | ZE ),
                                    f'OR ${dest}, [$CD]')
        add_microcode(full_microcode(CE | BRlW,
                                     DE | BRhW,
                                     enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                     SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                     _BRE | ME | ALU_XOR | ZW | _FW,
                                     write_to_reg[dest] | ZE ),
                                    f'XOR ${dest}, [$CD]')
        add_microcode(full_microcode(CE | BRlW,
                                     DE | BRhW,
                                     enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS,
                                     SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                     _BRE | ME | ALU_ACC_minus_BUS | _FW),
                                    f'CMP ${dest}, [$CD]')

for dest in ABCD:
    add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE| ME | BRlW | PCC,
                                 _PCE | ME | BRhW, 
                                 _BRE | ME | write_to_reg[dest] | PCC), 
                                f'MOV ${dest}, [@]')
    add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | BRlW | PCC,
                                _PCE | ME | BRhW, 
                                _BRE | _MW | enable_reg[dest] | PCC),
                                f'MOV [@], ${dest}')
    add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | BRlW | PCC,
                                _PCE | ME | BRhW, 
                                enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS | PCC,
                                SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                _BRE | ME | ALU_ADD | ZW | _FW,
                                write_to_reg[dest] | ZE ),
                                f'ADD ${dest}, [@]')
    add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | BRlW | PCC,
                                _PCE | ME | BRhW, 
                                enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS | PCC,
                                SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                _BRE | ME | ALU_ACC_minus_BUS | ZW | _FW,
                                write_to_reg[dest] | ZE ), 
                                f'SUB ${dest}, [@]')
    add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | BRlW | PCC,
                                _PCE | ME | BRhW, 
                                enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS | PCC,
                                SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                _BRE | ME | ALU_AND | ZW | _FW,
                                write_to_reg[dest] | ZE ), 
                                f'AND ${dest}, [@]')
    add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | BRlW | PCC,
                                _PCE | ME | BRhW, 
                                enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS | PCC,
                                SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                _BRE | ME | ALU_OR | ZW | _FW,
                                write_to_reg[dest] | ZE ), 
                                f'OR ${dest}, [@]')
    add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | BRlW | PCC,
                                _PCE | ME | BRhW, 
                                enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS | PCC,
                                SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                _BRE | ME | ALU_XOR | ZW | _FW,
                                write_to_reg[dest] | ZE ), 
                                f'XOR ${dest}, [@]')
    add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | BRlW | PCC,
                                _PCE | ME | BRhW, 
                                enable_reg[dest] | ALU_MIRROR_BUS | PCC,
                                SHIFT_REG | ZW,
                                _BRE | ME | ALU_ACC_minus_BUS | _FW),
                                f'CMP ${dest}, [@]') 
### I/O ###


# Lower byte of a number
add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg['A'] | SdT), 
                                f'SDL $A')
add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg['B'] | SdT), 
                                f'SDL $B')

# Higher byte of a number
add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg['A'] | SdW), 
                                f'SDH $A')
add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg['B'] | SdW), 
                                f'SDH $B')

## Port Selector
# Output: Write content in RA to port selected from memory content.  
add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | _PS | PCC, # Select I/O from RAM content.
                             AE | _PSW),            # Write content of RA to selected I/O
                            f'OUT #, RA')

# Input: Write content in port from memory content to RA.  
add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | _PS | PCC, # Select I/O from RAM content.
                             AW | _PSE),            # Write content of selected I/O to RA
                            f'INP RA, #')

# Output: Write content of RA to port in RB.
add_microcode(full_microcode(BE | _PS,              # Select I/O from content of RB
                             AE | _PSW),            # Write content of RA to selected I/O
                            f'OUT RB, RA')

# INPUT: Write content from port in RB to RA.
add_microcode(full_microcode(BE | _PS,              # Select I/O from content of RB
                             AW | _PSE),            # Write content of RA to selected I/O
                            f'INP RA, RB')

# Reset

add_microcode(full_microcode(_OC,_OC,_OC,_OC,_OC,_OC), f'OLR')

# Data immediate

# Data mode is set by default; Write mode is set by default;
# Have the current memory data available at the
# display's input pins.
add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME, 
                             # Keep the data available, drop the 
                             # display's clock/enable pin to latch the data,
                             # and increment PC.
                             _OE | _PCE | ME | PCC),
                            f'OLD #')

# Command immediate
# _OS ==> 0 ==> command mode; Write mode by default; 
# Have the current memory data available at the
# display's input pins.
add_microcode(full_microcode(_OS | _PCE | ME, 
                             # Keep the data available, stay in command mode,
                             # drop the display's clock/enable pin to latch the command,
                             # _OE and increment PC.
                             _OE |  _OS | _PCE | ME | PCC),
                            f'OLC #')

# Data direct register

# Data mode is set by default; Write mode is set by default;
# Have the register's data available at the
# display's input pins.
                             # Keep the data available, and drop the 
                             # display's clock/enable pin to latch the data,
                            _OE | enable_reg['A']),
                            f'OLD $A')

                            _OE | enable_reg['B']),
                            f'OLD $B')

# Command direct register

# _OS ==> 0 ==> command mode; Write mode by default;
# Have the register's data available at the
# display's input pins.
add_microcode(full_microcode(_OS | enable_reg['A'],
                             # Keep the data available, stay in command mode, and 
                             # drop the display's clock/enable pin to latch the command
                             _OS | _OE | enable_reg['A']),
                            f'OLC $A')

add_microcode(full_microcode(_OS | enable_reg['B'],
                             _OS | _OE | enable_reg['B']),
                            f'OLC $B')

### SHIFT ###

## Left Shift

# Register
for src in ABCD:
    add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[src] | SHIFT_REG_SL | _FW, # Shifts content of src left, writes it in the shift reg, and writes resulting flags into flags reg.
                                 SHIFT_REG | ZW,                       # Writes shifted content into accumulator.
                                 write_to_reg[src] | ZE),              # Writes shifted content into source register.
                                 f'LSL ${src}')
# Address
add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | BRlW | PCC, # Writes content of next two bytes
                             _PCE | ME | BRhW,       # in memory into bridge
                             _BRE | ME | SHIFT_REG_SL | _FW, # Shifts left memory content at address in bridge, writes it in the shift reg, and writes resulting flags into flags reg.
                             SHIFT_REG | ZW | PCC,       # Writes shifted content into accumulator, and increment PC.
                             _BRE | ZE | _MW ),          # Writes shifted content at current memory location.
                            'LSL [@]')
# Indirect
add_microcode(full_microcode( CE | BRlW, # Writes content of Reg C into lower byte of bridge.
                              DE | BRhW, # Writes content of reg D into upper byte of bridge.
                             _BRE | ME | SHIFT_REG_SL | _FW, # Shifts left memory content at address in bridge, writes it in the shift reg, and writes resulting flags into flags reg.
                              SHIFT_REG | ZW,                # Writes shifted content into accumulator.
                             _BRE | ZE | _MW ),              # Writes shifted content at current memory location.
                            'LSL [$CD]')
### Right Shift ###

## Register
for src in ABCD:
    add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[src] | SHIFT_REG_SR | _FW, # Shifts content of src right, writes it in the shift reg, and writes resulting flags into flags reg.
                                 SHIFT_REG | ZW,                       # Writes shifted content into accumulator.
                                 write_to_reg[src] | ZE),              # Writes shifted content into source register.
                                 f'LSR ${src}')
## Address
add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | BRlW | PCC, # Writes content of next two bytes
                             _PCE | ME | BRhW,       # in memory into bridge
                             _BRE | ME | SHIFT_REG_SR | _FW, # Shifts right memory content at address in bridge, writes it in the shift reg, and writes resulting flags into flags reg.
                             SHIFT_REG | ZW | PCC,       # Writes shifted content into accumulator, and increment PC.
                             _BRE | ZE | _MW ),          # Writes shifted content at current memory location.
                            'LSR [@]')
## Indirect
add_microcode(full_microcode( CE | BRlW, # Writes content of Reg C into lower byte of bridge.
                              DE | BRhW, # Writes content of reg D into upper byte of bridge.
                             _BRE | ME | SHIFT_REG_SR | _FW, # Shifts right memory content at address in bridge, writes it in the shift reg, and writes resulting flags into flags reg.
                              SHIFT_REG | ZW,                # Writes shifted content into accumulator.
                             _BRE | ZE | _MW ),              # Writes shifted content at current memory location.
                            'LSR [$CD]')

### PUSH/PULL ###

# Register
for reg in ABCD:
    add_microcode(full_microcode(enable_reg[reg] | _SPE | _MW | SPD,
                                 _SPC | SPD ),
                                 f'PSH ${reg}')
                                 write_to_reg[reg] | _SPE | ME),
                                 f'PUL ${reg}')
# Flags   
add_microcode(full_microcode(FE | _SPE | _MW | SPD,
                             _SPC | SPD),

add_microcode(full_microcode(_SPC | ALU_ZERO | ZW,       
                             _SPE | ME | ALU_OR | _FW),  

add_microcode(full_microcode( CE | BRlW,
                              DE | BRhW,
                             _BRE | SPW ),
                             f'MOV $SP, $CD')

add_microcode(full_microcode(SPlE | CW,
                             SPhE | _DW),
                             f'MOV $CD, $SP')

### JUMPS ###
add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | BRlW | PCC,
                             _PCE | ME | BRhW ,
                             _BRE | _PCW),
                             f'JMP [@]')

add_microcode(full_microcode(_PCE | ME | BRlW | PCC,
                             _PCE | ME | BRhW | PCC,
                             _PClE | _SPE | _MW | SPD,
                             _SPC | SPD,
                             _PChE | _SPE | _MW | SPD,
                             _BRE | _PCW | _SPC | SPD),
                             f'JSR [@]')

add_microcode(full_microcode( CE | BRlW,
                              DE | BRhW,
                             _BRE | _PCW),
                             f'JMP [$CD]')

add_microcode(full_microcode(CE | BRlW,
                              DE | BRhW,
                             _PClE | _SPE | _MW | SPD,
                             _SPC | SPD,
                             _PChE | _SPE | _MW | SPD,
                             _BRE | _PCW | _SPC | SPD),
                             f'JSR [$CD]')

                            BRhW | _SPE | ME,
                            BRlW | _SPE | ME,
                            _BRE | _PCW ), 

# Jump if zero
                             f'JZ [@]')
# Jump if overflow
                             f'JO [@]')
# Jump if lower than zero
                             f'JN [@]')
# Jump if carry
                             f'JC [@]')
# Jump if not zero
                             f'JNZ [@]')
# Jump if not overflow
                             f'JNO [@]')

# Jump if positive (JGZ including Z)
                             f'JP [@]')
# Jump if not carry
                             f'JNC [@]')
# Jump if greater than zero
                             f'JGZ [@]')


add_microcode(full_microcode(),    # Write content of RA to selected I/O

add_microcode(full_microcode(),    # Write content of RA to selected I/O

add_microcode(full_microcode(TI | FE | _SPE | _MW | ALU_FF | ZW | SPD,                             
                              ZE | SHIFT_REG_SL | BRhW | _SPC | SPD,                             
                              _PClE | _SPE | _MW | SHIFT_REG | ZW | SPD,                            
                              ZE | BRlW | _SPC | SPD,  
                              _PChE | _SPE | _MW | ALU_FF | ZW | SPD, 
                              _BRE | ME | ALU_AND | ZW | _SPC | SPD,   
                              ZE | _SPE | _MW | SPD,                                  
                              ALU_FF | ZW,                   
                              ZE | BRlW,                     
                              _BRE | ME | ALU_AND | ZW,      
                              ZE | BRhW,                     
                              _SPE | ME | BRlW,              
                              _BRE | _PCW | FLG_CLC | _FW),                  
interrupt_handler_address = adr

add_microcode(full_microcode( _SPC,
                              BRhW | _SPE | ME,
                              BRlW | _SPE | ME,
                              _BRE | _PCW | _SPC,
                              _SPE | ME | FLG_MIRROR_BUS | _FW | TI), 

### NO OP ### 
add_microcode(full_microcode(), f'NOP')

### HALT ###
add_microcode(full_microcode(HLT), f'HLT')

# Fill Unused instructions with NO OPS:
number_of_fillers = 0 
while len(instructions_without_flags) < 256:
    number_of_fillers += 1
    add_microcode(full_microcode(), f'FILLER_{number_of_fillers}')

# Key = The instruction string/name; Value = instruction 
instructions_dict = {y[1]: x for x, y in instructions_without_flags.items()}
# Key = The instruction; Value = control word 
microcode_dict = {x : y[0] for x, y in instructions_without_flags.items()}

if len(instructions_without_flags) > 256: 
    print("Instructions exceed 256")

# Returns instruction for each of these conditional instructions.
JZ   = instructions_dict['JZ [@]']
JO   = instructions_dict['JO [@]']
JN   = instructions_dict['JN [@]']
JC   = instructions_dict['JC [@]']
JNZ  = instructions_dict['JNZ [@]']
JNO  = instructions_dict['JNO [@]']
JP   = instructions_dict['JP [@]']
JGZ  = instructions_dict['JGZ [@]']
JNC  = instructions_dict['JNC [@]']
SII  = instructions_dict['SII']
CII  = instructions_dict['CII']

# Creates a copy of the micro-code dictionary for every flags combination.
microcode = [deepcopy(microcode_dict) for x in range ((C_Flag  | Z_Flag | N_Flag  | O_Flag  | II_Flag | IRQ_Flag) + 1)]

# The interrupt code starts at address 16(10000). Register I is hardwired to 16. 
jump_to_interrupt_handler = [ALU_ZERO | ZW | IW, # Writes 0 into the accumulator, and makes sure the hard wired value on the interrupt register is written.
                          ZE | BRhW,          # Writes 0 into upper byte of bridge.
                          IE | BRlW,          # Writes interrupt address into lower byte of bridge.
                          _BRE | _PCW,        # Writes location of interrupt code in PC. 
                          _ScR]               # End the microcode by resetting the step counter.

# JMP @ instruction 
conditional_jump = FETCH + [_PCE | ME | BRlW | PCC, # Writes RAM content at PC address to lower byte of bridge, increment PC by 1.
                    _PCE | ME | BRhW,       # Writes RAM content at PC address + 1 to upper byte of bridge.
                    _BRE | _PCW,            # Writes content of bridge into PC. # End the microcode by resetting the step counter.
                    _ScR]                   # End the microcode by resetting the step counter.

# Interrupt Inhibit
set_II = clear_II = FETCH + [TI, 

def cond_jmp(micro_operations, jp = conditional_jump.copy()):
    Dynamically converts an unconditional instruction to a conditional instruction; moving the 
    position of the step counter clear signal and using the jump argument as the specific jump code. 
    jump = jp.copy()
    if jump != jump_to_interrupt_handler:
        micro_operations [:] = jump  + (16-len(jump))*[0] # Fill the rest of the list with zeros till it reaches length 16


        start = micro_operations.index(_ScR) 
        new_instruction_length = end = start + len(jump)

        if new_instruction_length < 16:
            micro_operations[start : end] = jump

        elif new_instruction_length == 16:
            micro_operations[start: ] = jump

        # Safeguard in case of lengths greater than 16.
            raise ValueError()

In generate_microcode(), ANDing each individual flag(Right before the try statement) with the current flag combination basically defines which flag is active in this value/iteration of the loop.
EX: If the loop is at 010010, IRQ and N would be HIGH.

def generate_microcode():
    global kk, xx
    # For every possible combination of flags
    for flags in range((II_Flag | IRQ_Flag | Z_Flag | O_Flag | N_Flag | C_Flag ) + 1):
        II  = flags & II_Flag 
        IRQ = flags & IRQ_Flag
        Z   = flags & Z_Flag  
        O   = flags & O_Flag  
        N   = flags & N_Flag  
        C   = flags & C_Flag  
            # If an interrupt service is requested while the interrupt 
            # inhibit signal is asserted; ignore the request.
            if IRQ and II:

                if Z:
                if O:
                if N: 
                if C:
                if (not N and not Z):

            elif IRQ:
                if Z:
                if O:
                if N: 
                if C:
                if (not N and not Z):

                # Loop into all of the ocpodes for the current flags combination
                for instruction, micro_operations in microcode[flags].items():
                    # Ignore reset and interrupt codes 
                    if(instruction == 0 or instruction == interrupt_handler_address): 
                    # Ignore filler instructions if any.
                    if number_of_fillers:
                        if instruction in range((256 - number_of_fillers), 256):
                    # Add the micro-operations to jump to the interrupt code.
                    cond_jmp(micro_operations, jp = jump_to_interrupt_handler)

            elif II:

                cond_jmp(microcode[flags][CII], clear_II) 

                if Z:
                if O:

                if N: 

                if C:

                if (not N and not Z):


                cond_jmp(microcode[flags][SII], set_II) 

                if Z:
                if O:

                if N: 

                if C:

                if (not N and not Z):

        except Exception as e:
            trace = traceback.format_exc()
            print(f"ERROR!! NOT ENOUGH STEPS REMAINING FOR JUMP\n{trace}")

def assign_rom(microcode_list, rom_number):
    Normalizes control line activation and shift bits to their appropriate ROM.
    Takes a microcode list of dictionaries. 
    # List of dictionaries
    EPROM = deepcopy(microcode_list)
    # For every dictionary in the list of dictionaries
    for microcode_dict in EPROM:
        # For every key/instruction in every dictionary:
        for instruction in microcode_dict:
            # For every micro-operation at this instruction [a, b, c,...]
            for i, control_word in enumerate(microcode_dict[instruction]):
                microcode_dict[instruction][i] = trim_word(rom_number, al_norm(control_word))
    return EPROM

roms = [assign_rom(microcode, 0), assign_rom(microcode, 1), assign_rom(microcode, 2)]

def write_to_address(file, data):
    data = array.array('H', [data])

generate_microcode_rom() directly references the addresses of the microcode ROM. As address increments, it is ANDed with the specific portions making up a micro operation through bit shifting. The result of the AND operation corresponds to whatever portion the AND was done for, and is used to access the corresponding output word.

def generate_microcode_rom():
    for i, rom in enumerate(roms):
        print(f'\nWriting Microcode for rom_{i}', end ='')
        with open(f"microcode_rom_{i}.bin", 'wb') as file:
            for address in range(ROM_SIZE):
                if address % 5000 == 0:
                    print(f'.', end = ' ')

                instruction = (address & 0b111111110000000000) >> 10 
                # Shift only by four because it is ORed with the 4-bit ZONC
                flags_h = (address & 0b00000001100000000) >> 4 
                flags_l = address & 0b1111
                flags   = flags_h | flags_l
                step  = (address & 0b000000000011110000) >> 4
                write_to_address(file, rom[flags][instruction][step])


generate_ruledef() generates ruledef.asm file of alll of the instructions for Customasm.

def generate_ruledef():
    Generates a ruledef.asm directive file for Customasm in Little Endian.
    with open('ruledef.asm', 'w') as ruledef:


        for i, (instruction, _) in enumerate(instructions_dict.items()):

            instruction = instruction.split()

            end =''

            ruledef.writelines('    ')

            for z in instruction:
                if '@' in z:
                    end += '@ le(address)'
                    ruledef.writelines(z.replace('@', 'address: u16').replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}').ljust(5))

                elif '#' in instruction:
                    end = '@ im'
                    #end = ''
                    ruledef.writelines(z.replace('#', '{im: i8}').ljust(5))
                    end += ''
            ruledef.writelines(f" => 0x{i:02x} {end}\n") 


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